There are four places for hymns during the funeral Mass: entrance, presentation of the gifts, communion, and recessional. In addition, there is the responsorial psalm, usually led by the cantor, and the hymn of farewell, if your body or ashes are present for the funeral. During the presentation of the gifts and communion, you can opt to have the organist play appropriate music rather than singing a hymn.
Similar to a Sunday liturgy, there are three readings: Old Testament, Responsorial Psalm (as noted above often sung), New Testament and the Gospel. Using the PDF documents below you are invited to select one (1) from each section. Below you will also find a planning sheet that can be printed and use to record your selections.
With the exception of the Gospel, family members or friends can be chosen as readers. In addition to the Old and New Testaments, a reading can also be designated to offer the Universal Prayer (Intercessions).
Recognizing the death of a loved one is a difficult and emotional time in the life of a family, and while you are invited to participate in preparing the funeral liturgy, we also do not want this process to add any burden. Please do not feel pressured to "fill-in every blank" should you choose to complete the planning form. If you and your familiy are unable to identify readers or find it difficult to select readings, the parish staff is here to assist you and will help fill in the blanks. If at any time you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or email.